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Classified ads - List of articles

  • Benefits of advertising

    all services are for free unlimited validity of Ad any adjustment of status and advertisement up to 20 photos to the Ad simple editing adverts mass editing, you control your advertisements neatly in one place ... and other steadily growing ... read more »

  • Instructions how to post your ad for free

    Welcome to MAXbazar.sk - free bazaar and classifieds for businesses and the public. For our users, we developed a comprehensive guide on how to post new ad for the sale and purchase of goods and animals, goods exchange and brokerage services. Ads are clas... read more »

  • Terms of Use

    On MAXbazar.sk you can advertise for free private and corporate advertising. The server MAXbazar.sk is prohibited to advertise: web services, websites, logos of companies, etc. weight loss loans, debt elimination, distraints, personal ... read more »