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Terms of Use

  1. On MAXbazar.sk you can advertise for free private and corporate advertising.
  2. The server MAXbazar.sk is prohibited to advertise:
    1. web services, websites, logos of companies, etc.
    2. weight loss
    3. loans, debt elimination, distraints, personal bankruptcy, debt management and solutions, mortgage
    4. earnings without work
    5. work with advance fee
    6. multilevel marketing, commission systems and pyramid schemes, competition
    7. copying CDs, DVDs, diskettes, mailing envelopes, forgery, etc.
    8. erotic services, livechat, working dancers, hostesses, etc. abroad
    9. drugs and dietary supplements
    10. erotic ads
    11. cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, weapons
    12. electronic books
    13. fuel
    14. technical documents and certificates
    15. repeated ads of the same new products
    16. goods in excess (the most 1 ad for 1 product)
    17. advertisements for no apparent content, for example, "Job offer, more information on the phone/email."
    18. fraudulent offers, for example, insert a telephone contact on a toll line, etc.
    19. use special characters (@*#$%^&!?)
    20. in the title or ad text, insert web address
    21. use superlatives and unverifiable claims (the best, newest, largest...)
    22. use interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences
    23. put framed photos and other highlights
    24. The job offer or brigade will require the following information:
      1. the name and the subject of company
      2. minimum requirements for applicant
      3. the subject of work
  3. All services are provided free of charge to users.
  4. MAXbazar.sk reserves the right to make necessary changes in the ad, ad not publish or to remove the advertisement from the menu.
  5. MAXbazar.sk has the right to delete the ad if the ad is placed in the wrong category with regard to the text ad, or if the ad gives the impression of breach of conditions of the server.
  6. Embedded ad can be removed before the expiration date via e-mail account and password to AD.
  7. MAXbazar.sk only facilitates contact between seller and buyer, and assumes no liability for such things offered.
  8. MAXbazar.sk is not responsible for misuse of personal data mentioned in the advertisement, or acquired illegal penetration into the pages of a third party. The user agrees to the use of anonymous registration and statistical data.
  9. MAXbazar.sk is not responsible for the activities of users. Also bears no responsibility for any misuse services server users or third parties.
  10. MAXbazar.sk accepts no liability for damages that the user or third parties directly, indirectly or accidentally arising out of or in connection with the use MAXbazar.sk services. Liable for damages which users or third parties resulting from inability to use the services or in direct or indirect connection with this fact.
  11. MAXbazar.sk the consent of the users even without prior notification services to modify or upgrade the server.
  12. User agrees, within the meaning of the Act on Certain Information Society Services, with the MAXbazar.sk the user is authorized to send any e-mail messages containing information about news that offers MAXbazar.sk.
  13. These conditions become effective upon their publication. MAXbazar.sk reserves the right to change these conditions.
Updated: 15.05.2012